
A blog of personal reflections, adventures both close to home and far away, political musings and commentary, and thoughts on negotiating life as a twenty-something, queer Mainer transplanted to New York City hoping to write, inspire, teach and change the world.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Staten Island Ferry Terminal

Staten Island Ferry Terminal
Originally uploaded by killerfemme.
G. came for a visit from Paris for over two weeks. This time together took us to Maine and all over the city. On New Years Eve we joined a bunch of other friends for a "sunset cruise" on the Staten Island Ferry. What a great way to reflect on the year that's just passed, seeing S.I. fade into the distance as you nibble snacks in the cold wind and watch the Brooklyn shore pass. It felt like a real cruise and one friend reflected "I just wish the distance between Manhattan and Staten Island was longer."


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