Hippie According to Le Petit Robert
Looking for a word in Le Nouveau Petit Robert I stumbled across the definition of Hippie: Adepte (generalment jeune) d'un mouvement des anees 1970, fonde sur le refus de la societe de consommation et des valeurs sociales et morals traditionnelles. baba, beatnik
(Follower (generally young) of a movement from the 1970's, founded by those who refused traditional values, morals and a society based on consumption).
I don't know why this struck me as so funny. (They don't mention anything about hemp, dreadlocks or patchouli, strange).
(Follower (generally young) of a movement from the 1970's, founded by those who refused traditional values, morals and a society based on consumption).
I don't know why this struck me as so funny. (They don't mention anything about hemp, dreadlocks or patchouli, strange).
Labels: Definition, Dictionary, French, Hippie, Word
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